Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Most times these days when I go to my mailbox it’s filled with throw-away advertisements and a few bills (I do a lot of online bill pay) but yesterday, when I opened my mailbox there was a special surprise for me inside. Oh, how happy I was, an envelope from my ‘Sweetheart Girl’ in Luxembourg was there waiting for me, and inside were four very special gifts and a special ‘Thank You’ card too! This year Jocelyn had the kids make Christmas tree ornaments with their pics on the front for the Grandparents. I took them out of the envelope and hung them on the pan rack in the kitchen so that everyday as I walk by I can see the faces of my ‘Sweetheart Grandchildren.’ I love my grandchildren very much and wish they lived closer, but will have to do with seeing their pictures on these special ornaments everyday. Also, I am thankful for a sweet daughter who thinks of her Mom and does ‘little’ things to brighten my day!!

Love, MOM / Grandma Cass


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