Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day in Barcelona

We had a doctors appointment in Barcelona yesterday and I had the day off, so we decided to spend the day there.
We went to a cute store that u can buy in bulk (its no costco though!!) As you can see it's to buy beans, nuts,spices and candy mostly. They even had cocolate chips in a big bag....miracle!!! So we stocked up and headed for the old part of town.
I love the old part of town...the little streets and old buildings. After walking around, for quite some time, david decided he wanted his happy birthday/yipee the project is over lunch at hard rock cafe (thanks mom and dad).
After lunch (4pm) we headed to one last place before heading home....a little russian supermarket. I have a russian girl that works with me and one day we went to eat at her house and i feel in love with, what they call, russian ravioli. And they put a hot sauce on it thats so yummy. So since we were in barcelona we had to go get some.
Throughout the day we took a total of 2 train rides and 6 metros and did a lot of walking.

We had a nice day.


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