Saturday, February 02, 2013

I was there! Even before the road down to the pier was being built.
When the surf was right the surfers would catch perfectly formed waves 8 to 10 feet tall and ride them all the way across what is now the Dana Point harbor and step off gently at Doheney beach. Marie watched the trucks with 1 - 2 -or three big pieces of granite pass by grandpa Ginn's store on PCH hour after hour and day after day for months. They brought those big stones for the jetty 24 hours a day. Thus was eliminated one of the great surfing areas in the world. To make room for a billion dollars of fiberglass and sail to sit calmly in placid waters costing their owner millions of dollars each year.
Sadly, Change will always be with us for the only thing that is constant in this life is CHANGE!
Ed Ginn at the age of 71 looks back. Thank you Bobby for the opportunity to remember.


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