Friday, January 27, 2006

Walking around is great! The surgery took just over 30 minutes. Dr. Larose went in found minimal loose cartilage but found that MY jdgement on the inury was correct. 3 years ago I had a bucket handle tear on my meniscus. they decided to sew it up instead of cut it off. They did this knowing that one day I might have to cut it off. Pretty much when I reinjured myself in October I re pinched that area and Dr. Larose just cut it off. I am to wear the knee wrap until Wenesday. I am supposed to do som rehab exercises before I go to sleep. Dr. laros said 5 days, I will feel normal...2 weeks I can play soccer again. Impressive. I am in minimal pain, however have been ver queezy all afternoon. Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts...Nortons, it is so nice to be able to keep in touch with you and then Cassy Ginn side of the family. I love reading all of your blog entries. Keep writing them I truly enjoy being cuaght up with everyone.

Love y'all!


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