Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Bobby.
I remember that day pretty well. Your mom was very calm as we
walked the halls of the hospital in Durham North Carolina. It was
early afternoon on a very bright and sunny day.
I can't remember how long we walked or what transpired to get
her ready but the next thing I remember is that I was in the delivery
room and your mom was prepped and ready. Your delivery was not
without pain, but it seemed to go quite quickly and without much stress.
It was special to hold you in our arms that day. You were a
cute little guy from the beginning. It has been,for the most part,
easy and fun to have you in our family.
The obstetrician believed in hypnosis and used it on your mom in
the months prior to your birth and also on the day of your birth.
We believe that is what caused your birth to be as easy as it was.
Hope you are having a great day!!!!


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