Saturday, March 14, 2009

Amanda, Pete, Sydney 9, Lilly7, PJ 5, Julia 3+, Sammy 2 these ages are as close as I can remember. The only one I'm sure of is Sammy because his Birthday was Saturday the day they arrived. They hadn't planed on a cake so I snuck off to von's while they were getting ready to eat spaghetti and bought a carrot cake. It was a middle of the road choice. Anyway when they got here the sun was just setting it was cool and getting dark but off to the park we went so the kids could run and play and get the wiggles out after being cooped up in the suburban for 10 hours. So these our the traditional pictures around the Ginn table while we scarfed down the scetti. The kids went down pretty good and then the four adults went in the front room and spent two hours in delightful conversation. At twelve thirty I had to say sorry and go to bed. I have an 8 AM meeting to get to each Sunday.

Happy birthday Sammy. That is a 2 in the middle of the cake. He really had no clue as to what was going on and he was very sleepy tired.


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