Monday, March 02, 2009

Idiots----yes I think doctors are idiots!

Why do we bother?

The kids have been sick for 2 weeks now. Caused Gina and I to get sick and sent Gina to the ER due to lack of sleep, Flu symptoms, and Strep.
I hate doctors so I discourage doctor visits. BUT.... after all this we finally took the 2 little ones to the doc. Hoping he could give us some hope.

WRONG----Yep another wasted drive to the doc office and a co pay for what????
" they have a cold sorry....go home now so I can" then the doc kicked us out of the office.

They are idiots. why bother unless the kid isn't breathing or something.

Did I say that Doctors are idiots. I could throw a bad word out but I won't.

Thanks for letting me vent Mr BLOG.


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