Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Cute as a button, Landon.
Funny story...
The last night I was with Bobby and Ginas kids Uncle Jeff decided to open a BIG bag of peanut m and m´s and I kid you not, Stacia ate about half the bag and Landon and Mili had their fair share too. Needless to say getting through bathtime and into bed was NOT easy. As the two older kids were running around naked and hiding in closets (and Mili following them naked even though she hadn´t taken a bath) I shut the door to the bathroom and left poor little Lauren in Bobby and Ginas bedroom. When I opened the door Lauren was just outside of it and had pulled all of Ginas undies on the floor....and was wearing one pair as a necklace! She wanted to be part of the running around so she crawled into the shower.

I did finally catch them all and get them dressed and in bed...and not too late!


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