Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter! I pray for all of you on this day of recognition of our Saviors sacrafices. I had a great day. All of the boys made items for dinner. We al sort of worked together. We had a Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, scalloped potatoes, green bean cassarole, leaf salad, pasta salad, carrots, brownie cake and pecan pie. It was a very good meal!! We even all sat around our dinning room table and ate like we were a family. We found ourselves an hour later still sitting there chatting it up! It was one of the best Easters a single man could ask for when he is away from his family. I have great friends!

Mid December-Above is a picture of my roommate Kurt and I watching college football a few months back.

Taken Early March-This picture is of a friend of mine. Her name is Allison. She is a fun military brat. Just moved to Omaha from Florida. A bunch of us went out and had a theme night in the old market (downtown). Stripes and jeans was our theme for the evening so everyone was wearing jean pant or skirts and a stripped shirt.

It is fun to go down town and mingle with all of the 20-30 year olds from the 6 colleges in the 50 mile radius of down town. We have fun when we actually all go out.

Love y'all!


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