Monday, April 10, 2006

I don't have much to say, but it has been a while since I have written. And unfortunalty I do not have any pics at this time either...unless you want a team picture of me and all of my girls.

Between traveling with the golf teams, training my U-13 Girls as well as sidelining their matches, training both Iowa Western Teams and taking recruits to and from the is pretty busy.

I actually got Saturday all to myself..I got up early and detailed my truck for the first time in 2-3 years. I even organized the back of my truck with milk carton boxes. All of myself is organized and looking sharp. I remembered how much fun I usd to have detailing. it was nice that it was my own truck this time though! After the 3 hours of detailing I went to a 10 am H.S. match, another one at 2 p.m. then a club match in west Omaha at 5 and then I met MY U-13's at our championship indoor match. They played a tight game and lost 1-0. The girls were all dissapointed but smiling and gitty as if they had just won! The fun thing is...we get to face this team outdoors Tuesday we will see if there is much of a difference. It should be fun!

This week is another full one, with H.S. games, our college tournament that we are hosting on Wed. Training two club teams etc...i am really enjoying my involvement in this community. And unlike int Utah, I actualy feel appreciated.

Things are going well and I am happy to be in Council Tuckey.
Love y'all!


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