Thursday, April 27, 2006

I went to Kaiserslautern last Saturday and spent the whole day BY MYSELF! I spent most of the time with my good friend Cori. Then I went grocery shopping to buy all the things that are cheaper there. I also stopped by to visit my only German friend there, Linda Lewing. She's German and her husband is American. They lived most of their lives in Baumholder Germany and moved to Kaiserslautern after she retired from working, just about the time we did. I was assigned to visit teacher her with Cori (Cori and I met by being assigned as visiting teaching companions). Sister Lewing really likes me and we've kept in touch.

On other fronts, some good news. Perceval is potty trained!! Yeah! This is the first time in 9 years that I am not pregnant, nursing, or changing diapers!! It was super easy, didn't even make an effort, because he did it all by himself. This is rather monumental considering 3 weeks ago he didn't want anything to do with the toilet. Then we (ran out of diapers and) went on vacation and he was stuck in the hotel room and couldn't go off in some corner of the house by himself to go to the bathroom in his diaper so we just put him on the toilet. He thought it was fun, everything worked out, so when we came home I just put some underwear on him. It was nice weather so we spent most days outside. He had a few accidents but he's been clean (as you say in French) since. Even at nights, only one accident since we started. It's so nice it's over!!
Well, I need to get ready for the day and get the kids up in a minute. Hope you have a great day.


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