Monday, March 12, 2007

Hi all
I have been suffering with flu like symptoms since last Tuesday
Friday I slept a lot between patients. Saturday I spent playing
doctor and self medicating: Advil cold and sinus, Benedryl, Nyquil
even dug up some 5 year old Augmentum. About 11pm I got a case of the
chills and shakes like i have not had in years and I was scared. Thought I was having
a low blood suger attach nope blood sugar was hi. I was shaking so violently
I was hardly able to get the strip in the reader. It took three tries and then
pricking my finger and getting the droplet of blood to the strip wasn't easy.
Went in and curled up on the bed with hot pad and mom holding me while I shook uncontrollably. I was scared. Mom called Ken and Ron
Ken and Ron came over and gave me a blessing and Ken told me to get in a hot shower.
After a few minuets i stopped shaking. After that i went to sleep but mom kept checking my temrature it got as high as 103.6. I was drinking ice water and had a cold wet cloth on my head all night. I was coughing up green stuff and had coughing fits that just would not quite. Next morning Ken called to see how i was doing and
said call your doctor and get some antibiotics. I don't have a doctor i'm with Kaiser hmo what to do??????????? I got on the internet and found that they had an urgent center open on Sunday. I told Marie that she needed to take me after church.
She went, I didn't, she called right after Sacrament meeting and said she was on her way home to take me. Everyone at church pitched in to cover for her.
I got up shaved and got dressed by the time she got home and off we went.
after 3 hrs, chest x-rays and an exam by a doctor not to mention sitting around waiting in a cold room. Ta da the envelope please the winner is pneumonia
So I am on antibiotics and I had Shan cancel my day for tomorrow. Hard way to get a
day off. Hopefully I will mend quickly. Sorry no pictures with this post you would not be interested trust me Dad


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