Saturday, August 11, 2007


Talked to Cassy last night Friday the 10th and she informed that Ninah finally went to the hospital. They will be doing several test including cat scans blood tests etc. I hope they can help her at least be comfortable. Will keep you informed as we know more.
Oh! Bobby said he wanted more suggestions for the coming attraction. especially now that we know it is going to be a girl. I said Virginia that got an immediate veto but Ruth mom's middle name was a maybe for a middle name. I will srart going through the geneology stuff and look for names. Mom and Shan made plum jam today. It sure is good warm yummmmmmmmy.

Talking to Cindi she suggests: Audrey as in Hepburn - favorite spanish name Conception since you guys have such an easy time haveing babies ( from the imaculate Conception ) : moms says Katherine, Christina and Daniel.....and Cindi
dad Morine, Norine, Bertha, Barbara Diane Ann Anabeth Olga Ida Sherry Tonic (Gin and tonic at school)


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