Sunday, December 16, 2007

The house up on the corner were the Noble's used to live has a fantastic Christmas/Santa lights in the front yard and on the roof. When Milena was here we stopped and she couldn't figure out what to look at first. Santa his sleigh and reindeer on the roof, the music synchronized lights on three trees or all the other things. Last Thursday they had the fire truck come and bring Santa. To get a picture with Santa you just had to bring a toy. Marie and I did - so here is our picture with Santa 2007. You were also invited inside the house, WOW their whole living room the size of ours was 100% full of a miniature village set on plywood that sloped down from about 6 ft at the far wall to 4 ft about where our tile entry way lets you go back to the rest of the house. It was completely landscaped. In the rest of the hose there were several lighted trees and moving Santa's. A totally amazing display of Christmas Spirit.


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