Tuesday, May 06, 2008

A couple of weeks ago there was a momentous occasion at the Normand house in VA. By the pictures you can see Shawnna got her hair cut. I've really thought back and I'm pretty sure this was her first MAJOR hair cut since her birth. Maybe there were some small trims along the way, but this was definitely a MAJOR WHACK JOB to her long locks. Having been a mother of small children (albeit a LONG TIME AGO!), I can just imagine how much easier and cooler this upcoming summer will be for both MOM and DAUGHTER!! I was never as patient as Ninha has been with the long hair-thing, Jocelyn had short hair until she was probably in middle school, where she could take care of it herself!! You know me, I love the SHORT HAIR DO'S - WAY TO GO SHAWNNA - YOU'RE A CUTIE!!

Love, Grandma TaTa


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