Tuesday, May 20, 2008

HI ALL!! I'm not 100% sure but I think today is 'travel day' for Spencer and his Dad - Flying out to Mountain View, CA - the home of 'Google.' I tried calling the Norton home, but no answer and no answer on Marion's cell - maybe they were on their way to or from the airport -heehee!! Oh, I just got a call back from Marion, she was vacuuming and couldn't here my phone call. She said Spencer and Bryan left this morning at 10:15AM, on a flight into Dulles and then, on to San Francisco. Marion says all the contestants stay at the same hotel tonight, get picked up tomorrow morning and are driven to Google on buses, where they are separated into age groups. After that they all get a tour of the Google complex and then, have a class conducted by the 'Master Doodler' at Google - the guy who does all the home page doodles! How exciting!! They have lunch around noon, and then, the final ceremony will probably be held between 1 - 2pm. First, they announce the 4 finalists and then, finally they announce the BIG WINNER!! Marion said the day concludes at 3:00PM PST, so she's expecting a call from Bryan the moment the winner is announced and I'm sure the word will go out to everyone - MAKE SURE TO CHECK THE BLOG!!

I must have voted 100's of times, like Jocelyn, I could type 'mackerel' in my sleep. I even thought maybe I was getting 'carpal tunnel' or some kind of 'repetative motion' condition because I voted so many times!! This has been a wonderful experience for the whole family. You have my LOVE AND SUPPORT, Spencer. You are a 'WINNER' in my book!

Love, Aunt Cassy


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