Sunday, May 24, 2009

Forty two years ago on a warm Wednesday morning the 23 rd of May 1967. We were married in the blue room of the Manti temple. They don't use that room any more it is now an antique.

Yesterday morning I said to mom -- just think 42 years! and she said back to me -- What? You didn't think we would last that long and I replied no not that at all. It just seems to have gone by so very quickly.

We are both very thankful for the 4 wonderful children we were given the privleldge to raise. Thank you four for trying to be the best you can be. We are proud of you all and that has made our life together worth living.


Marion you are such a strong survivor for these last forty years. Hopefully the next forty will be less taxing on your strength. Somehow with the teenage years facing you your strength will be needed as always. Then you face the golden years - which are golden only for those who provide your health care - so it seems you''ll just have to keep girding up your strength and pressing forward.
Through it all you are a great example so keep it up. And finally as dad would say BE OF GOOD CHEER!

Cassy Marie, and I are going to Ed and Virginia's grave tomorrow and do a little cleaning and say HI.


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