Friday, January 04, 2008

Hi all.
Thank you for putting the videos on the blog mom and I just love them. I printed out the blog to save it in a paper format for the future and I noticed that the videos didn't print. They just left a blank spot on the page so in the future if it is possible put one still picture before or after to set up or explain the video. Had a nice chat with Marion the other day. She is busy with her four kids and living the life of a widow since Bishop Norton is so busy with being a lawyer and the father of the ward. She and Brian had the missionaries over for Christmas and Derek Bunker (Elder) a member of our ward and son of Bill Bunker is serving in their ward. She said after dinner they gave dart guns to her kids and the missionaries and they ran all over the house having a great time shooting each other. It made her happy that she could give the missionaries a feeling of fun and home but the next day she was finding darts all over the house. She likes having the missionaries around as examples for her kids.
Nathan called today and said he had had an interesting time working in Iowa for the Mitt Romney caucus. I'm hoping that he will tell us more about his political adventure in Iowa.
Jeff called and talked to mom and gave her the latest update about Whitney Davis. Hope he will bring the rest of us up to date. He can spare the details but a short overview would be interesting. My leg is not healing and hurts every step I take so sometime in the future I will have to have it redone. Mom and I both have chest colds. Mom's is affecting her breathing pretty much but we are both at work every day. If you can't play hurt they take you out of the game. We are not ready to be benched yet!
Well, make time to add a line or two to this family history.
We love you all and pray for you every day. Love Mom and Dad


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