Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I went to a 4 stake youth conference from Dec 26-29 near the Schwarzsee (black lake) in Switzerland. The 4 stakes were Nancy, Lyon, Geneva and Lausanne. There were about 160 youth there which was overwhelming for many of the youth present. There were spiritual workshops in the morning and 'fun' activities in the afternoon. It was well organized (especially for Europe!!) and the kids had a good time. It snowed before we arrived and we had clear weather the whole time. You couldn't ask for a more beautiful backdrop! We stayed in Swiss military barracks that they rent out (the Swiss military is like a citizens militia so they don't need their facilities all year long).
Here are some of the youth from our stake. We went on a night walk our first night and had these huge 'candles' to hold. It was pretty but I was worried about someone's hair catching fire!
The night walk, leaving the 'conference center'.
I chose to go snow shoeing on one of the afternoons. We took a ski lift to the top of the mountain and then hiked down. It was totally fun! And it was cool to be so far away from 'life'. It felt as if we were miles and miles away from anywhere. In the foreground is my friend Christine from our stake. We met at girls camp this summer and met up again at youth conference. It was fun to have someone to 'hang around' with.
I took this looking down on the lake. You can't really tell it's a lake from this distance. Beyond the green trees, and before the 'blue' trees is the lake. It was really big and totally frozen. One of the activities was ice skating on the lake. I even saw a horse drawn carriage/sleigh on the lake. During our night walk we walked across it which was a little spooky because we hadn't really seen it up close during the day so most of us were a little nervous. It was actually the first time I'd ever been on a frozen lake before. It was cool.
Each group of youth went to the Zollikofen Swiss temple once during the conference. It was about an hour away from where we were staying. I like the trees when they are 'frosted' so I thought this was a pretty picture with the partially frosted pine next to the temple.


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