Saturday, April 12, 2008

Well, I made it 200 miles on my first day/night. It took me about 7 hours
...3 hours on the road, 1 hour pulling over every 25 miles to check on my luggage, 2 hours at Home Depot in Lincoln to be build my mansion on wheels. I am real mad that I missed Alexa and Brinleys soccer matches today but nothing went right on day one of the trip. I sent bobby some pictures to post on the blog. I think my solution is going to be getting that serran wrap/shrink wrap, and rap the entire thing up so there are no loose ends flapping and tearing and ripping and pulling. Keep me in your prayers and when you see a news channel making fun of a guy that spread his life belongings across th I-80...its me :)

Love ya!


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