Saturday, August 09, 2008

HI ALL! Well, I really had my adventure for today! For some time now, I’ve been considering riding my bike to work – for a couple of reasons, the first to save on gas considering it’s sooo expensive now, especially around here, the second to get some exercise, considering I’m such a slug and couch potato most of the time. I bought an all-terrain bike back in ’95 and road a lot then, but it’s been sitting in the garage ever since. A couple of months ago, I took it to the guys at ‘BUY MY BIKES’ (you remember them, across from Von’s in SJC – He’s the guy who does those outrageous commercials on public TV) – well, anyway, got it all ‘spruced up’ and took it home and that’s where it’s been ‘parked’ since. Everyone’s advice has been to ride a little each day, get my balance and bearings, tone up the ‘old thighs and calves’ so when I push off on that first ride to work, I’ll sort of be ready, so I won’t have a heart attack or fall off!! Well, do I listen to the wise and sage bikers out there – NOT!! I don’t exactly push off, I walk off down Dana Mesa (the horrendous hill getting to my house), off on my ‘Test Ride’ to work.

Not sure if all of you know, but I work off Forbes Road, in the Three Flags Commercial center (the north end of Forbes Road). By car, from my house it’s a 7 mile ride one way, not really sure how far by bike, but I’m thinking pretty close to the same. I’m thinking, hey, that won’t be too difficult (even though I haven’t been on a bike for over 10 years). I’m brave and adventurous – what the hay – I can do anything!! Of course, I’ve never been 58 and doing it, so I have to say it was more of a challenge than I thought, but I’m finally on my way.

As soon as I’m on the bike, I realize the tires are sort of low, not flat (thank heavens) but definitely ‘squishy’ which doesn’t help my riding or balance. I find the bike path at the end of Del Avion, make it into downtown SJC and get air in the tires at the Chevron station on the corner, take a ‘drink break’ and I’m off again.

I take the bike trail though the back of the barrio along the equestrian areas and it brings me out close to Camino Capistrano and Junipero Serra. This is a busy corner now because of J Serra High School, all the sports activities going on, cars going every which way. I wait at the corner, push the button for the ‘okay to walk’ sign and when it signals, I step off the curb – but I look to the left a little too late, a car is rounding the corner, I push down hard on my peddle and ‘SNAP’ I go nowhere – the chain has broken, so I limp back to the corner and consider my options. Heehee!! No cell phone, so can’t call anyone, the only thing to do is to walk the bike back to BUY MY BIKES, hoping they are open now (it’s only 8:45am) and buy a new chain and see how I feel after that. Have to say, it took a while to walk the distance. I haven’t walked that far or exercised that much at one time in years. As I’m walking along Camino Cap towards the Mission, and as the people are rushing by in their cars, I wonder if any of them are thinking, ‘Geez, lady, how come you aren’t riding that bike, instead of walking along beside it.’ If I was the one in the car, that’s what I would have been wondering. Being forced to walk, makes you look at your surroundings much closer. Makes you realize you do miss a lot, speeding along in your car. And no wonder I’m such a ‘chub’ because that’s all I do, speed along in my car!!

I made it to BUY MY BIKES (they open at 9 on Sat – YEAH!!) Glad I was there soon after they opened because they were able to take the bike right away, put a new link in the chain and I was on my way!! I did get a couple of new tires, sleeker for riding on road (they liked hearing my story so much, they threw in the tubes for free). I learned something about the chains too – I guess unless you absolutely have too, you don’t put on a new chain because the old one is fit to the gears and the new one would not fit the same! Learned something new today!!

I decided I would ride home, not continue on to work. I’d had enough exercise for today. I have to say, walking up the big hill (Dana Mesa) to my house was the toughest part of the ride. Made me wonder how hard it will be to make it up the hill after a days work and ride home. Also, I wondered if there will ever come a time I will be strong enough and in shape enough to ride up that hill - I hope so!!

At least I did prepare enough to bring water, Gatorade, food, rags to wipe the sweat from my face, ID and MONEY!! All the basics to sustain life!! Think of me this Monday; I’ll be starting off again on this adventure to ride to work. I’ll let you know how and if I make it!

Love you all,


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