Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Great pictures Bob.

Ok, so I was just going through the bloggs and enlarging the pictures to get a better look at the kids and stuff. When I clicked on the picture of Abby smiling with her beautiful braces. As I was just about to minimize the pictures I happened to look behind Abby at all the presents Santa had left. What I found truely amazing is that for the Norton family Santa has time to print out LABELS for each gift! Way to go Santa!!! I wish that Santa came to my house too!!

Love you all. I´m at my new job. I´m the only one here so things haven´t really started yet. Next week I will fly to Madrid so they can teach me how to do some things. I was going to try to go to the temple while I was there, but I go on Monday and leave on Tuesday. Monday it´s closed of course and I won´t have time on Tuesday...too bad. David will start his new job in about two weeks, he´s getting nervous too.

Saturday is el día de los REYES (kings day) which over here (before all the commercialized Santa stuff got over here) was, and still is, the day you get the gifts from the "kings" just like Jesus. We got all our gifts from Santa, but we are going to have friends over and have a traditional MEXICAN Kings day feast. (joke about the traditional part, only in my house is Mexican food tradition). It should be fun. Before the fiesta at our house, our ward (the male part anyway, and me of course) are going to play futbol!! What a great and mexican food...doesn´t get any better than that!!

Well, since I´m writting a bunch of nothing I guess I´ll say I LOVE YOU ALL and wish you all a SUPER FABULOUS SPIRITUAL and of course HAPPY New Year. hugs and kisses for all.


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