Monday, June 04, 2007

Hi All! Here are some more pics of the Normand's fun weekend at Wisconsin Dells! Looks like it was a great place for the kids to sleep - their very own log cabin! And 'water' was one of the best places to play - everyone looked like they were really getting into it! Can't you just see Drew behind the 'wheel' when he turns 17 - heehee! And Shawnna has the 'sleek' body of a mermaid (Oh, how I wished - I wasn't even like that when I was young) Don't know why Drew was upset and crying - maybe he just didn't like being 'stuck' down in that 'BIG' bowl. Need to ask Ninha about that! Well, I'm glad they were able to get away for a short time - to put their cares and woes aside and let their 'hair' down and have some fun! We all need to do that once in a while! Hope you get to do that too 'once in a while.' Of course, those who made it to the 40th Anniversary party for Ed and Marie, their next 'once in a while' probably won't be for quite a long time.

Love you all - Till' next time!
Sassy Cassy


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