Saturday, June 16, 2007

I missed the Saturday night karaoke jam to take a quick roadtrip down to St. George with Mom and visit my former Merrie Miss teacher Helen Weech. She's doing well. She said that the rest home where she lives offers so many activities and tries to keep you so active that you forget you're dying. How's that for a sense of humor! Sister Weech was also long time visiting teaching companions with Gramma - which is kind of how I have kept in contact with her all these years. I appreciate her continuing testimony. I feel like I don't really have anyone really old in my family who has shared their testimony with me. Sister Weech has kind of filled in that gap for me. It's also interesting to talk to someone outside of your family who knew you when you were little. We had a really nice visit and I was happy to take the opportunity to get down to St. George to see her because I know I won't be back there anytime soon.


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