Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Here is a message I sent to Cindi on Tuesday. Thought the rest of u might enjoy it also

Subject: Re: how´s it going?
Date: January 31, 2006 10:16:20 PM PST

Hi C
Mostly just resting. Last nite I did something in memory of my dad. I remembered a nite when
U came into a room and there was this horrible smell. Like toe jam or the very worst pair of smelly
sneekers u could ever imagine. WHAT IS THAT SMELL DAD!!!!!!!!! I SAID. Hw looked up from the crackers and cheese
and said It"s LINDBEGER cheese and crackers. you want some? NO I YELLED and left the room holding my nose. I think I
could smell it for a week.
Lately I have been wondering if it really was that bad a smell and wondering what it tastes like. I asked mom a few weeks ago if I could try it she immediately said NO!!!!
so guess what? I bought some on Sat and last nite I made toast and put avacado on it. then I gently opened the LINDBERGER cheese. it didnt smell too bad
My nose must be going bad too. Then I cut off little pieces and put them on the avacado and carefully took a bite. mmmm not to bad !!!! do i put little pieces on on the rest of the
toast and avacado and ate it all gone. (No choc syrup added). I had spent a few moments with my dad and we had had a good time together for just a little while
with no one to tell us we stank.
What was left of the cheese I wrapped up put in the trash so it could be out of the house before mom got home.
I am glad someone in the family is going to make the papers and be locally recognized for daughter srealling and fleeing across international boarders to escape Cindi and Dacid were interviewed by the local paper about why he married a forgener
and why they were living in Terassa of something like that???
LOts of love DAD


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