Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hey, it is good to hear from you all. Marion and Jocelyn it is good hearing from you. We have been non-communitive for too long. Jeff, convert the girl FIRST, then marriage, then pregnant! Don't get your priorities mixed up. Cindi what happened with the interviews, yours and Davids? Bobby looks like the house is doing great! Where are pictures of the kids? Nathan, don't you have pictures of the girls? It sure was fun to talk to Natalie. When I figure out her language or she learns to speak mine it will be even more fun. Andy, Cassy haven't heard from you for a while??? guess that covers the ginns. Ed and I are like the mice (or when I first heard the story it was frogs)We are still kicking-just to the whipped cream stage, maybe it will trun to butter someday! Love you all, Mom

Here id Jeff Ginn's latest status according to the lemon tree


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