Saturday, February 25, 2006

Well I can tell you one thing, Chicago is COLD! The funny thing is that when I complained about the cold, everyone kept telling me how much warmer it was than last week! We're in for a shock for our first winter. It'll be nice to move there at the end of the winter so we get a little taste of it, but not have to live through the whole thing.
The interview wasn't really a sit-down interview. I showed up at the school, met up with the director, and pretty much followed her around the whole day. The good thing was that she was my instructor when I went through the program 5-6 years ago. She showed me all aspects of the facility, explained to me the responsibilities that I would have as an instructor, and asking me if I had any problems with any of it. She is the director and there is one other instructor under her. There are two classes that will be running at different times of the day, one starting at 6 am and the other starting at 8 am. She gave the other professor and I the choice of which schedule we would like. The other instructor didn't care, so I got to choose the early one. This means that I would be done with work at 2 pm. How amazing is that? She didn't say that I got the job, only because she had to report to the human resources headquarters in Phoenix about my visit. I should get a call on Monday or Tuedsay.
While I was there I had the chance to visit a few houses for rent. I really liked the houses, but one of them didn't have a garage, and the other one had tiny bedrooms! It looks like we'll be searching furiously to find something in the next two weeks.
If everything works out right, we'll be moving out on the 14th of March. We have to make sure we say goodbye to mama Cass after she gets home from her international trip.
We'll have more after I get the much-awaited phone call!


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