Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I just wanted to officially let everyone know that I have NEVER been on facebook. I barely have time to connect with the network of friends that I have, let alone someone I went to high school with. Maybe some day. But for now, my excuse for not blogging is that as the sole parent in my household trying to maintain the sanity of everyone in it, having to show my house (that means clean it from top to bottom everytime) four times last week alone, dealing with a husband who is sick and needs my help but is 2300 miles away, and being sick myself. WELL, I don't think I need to say too much more.

I love you all. Blog or Facebook away, whatever floats your boat. I will happily read whatever anyone posts and look forward to posting more often myself in the near future. But for now, I have dishes to wash, laundry to put away, a baby to put down for a nap, a child to pick up from a playdate, two more bathrooms to clean, and dinner to make. That ought to take care of my afternoon.


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