Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hope everyone had a nice Sunday and is ready for a new week. It was great to see posts from Cassy and Jocelyn. It look like the only one missing now is Marion. I know Nathan re-invited you Marion so give it another go and lets see some of those great pictures of Paris Disney and some comments on how the pregnancy is going (love a side view )and how wonderful and dedicated your husband is (love a graying or receding hairline)to his family, the ward and the firm. Most of all we want Abby! Stephen! and by all means John! pictures. Come on Abby show your mom how it is done!!! We want you all to be part of the growing Ginn Family Record which is now a binder and a half thick.
As of now with the help of Ron Holst we have 410 names in our family history and we are working to get temple ready 20 sealings for a sealing session to be held in the Manti temple
room 5 at 3pm Thursday the 24th of May. It is a large room and will hold 14 to 16 people. We are hoping for a strong spiritual experience as we seal these members of our family.
Love to all Ed


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