Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Go to the web site link. This is what the dr. is going to treat me for.

He said that my blood is clean as a newborn, but that my blood sugar level is at 103...which is in the high part of safe.

Only thing the cat scan showed was that I have swolen lymph nodes in my adbomen area; generally caused by appendicitus, but that is not my case as I am showing no signs of that problem.

He used these words as refereences:

**Mesenteric Adenitis

So I am going to be taking anti biotics to see if it goes away. I will have another check up on the 24th.

He is unsure of what it is but the above is his best educated guess.

He said, "you are very healthy."

He told me to eat less sugar and make sure i do not gain weight and daibeties won't be a problem for a couple of decades if at all.

Pretty much...my lymph nodes in my abdomen are swollen because I have a bacterial infection (who knows what kind) that is generally killed by anti biotics. We will see in two weeks how I am doing.

Love you all. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers!


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