Saturday, April 21, 2007

These are pictures from Easter Monday at my in-law's house in Nancy. Do you celebrate Easter Monday in America? Don't know what religious event it relates to though. Anyway, the weather had been beautiful all week which is so rare that we were afraid it would turn and rain on Easter weekend. No, we lucked out and the weather was really warm. As a matter of fact it has not rained in over three weeks now which is very rare for Luxembourg. There will probably be MAJOR water rationing announced in the near future! As always, we got enough chocolate from Easter to last us all year long. Chocolate is not considered a candy here. It's its own food group! So apparently you can't have enough of it. Not being a real chocolate lover, I use it to bake with - I crush it up and make my own chocolate chips.
So that was Easter Monday here.


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