Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Hi All! Well, when I had the episode with the hummingbird, I downloaded some other pics from my camera and thought I would share them. As you can tell, these first pics are of Alienor's baptism while I was in Luxembourg. Sorry to say, I must have had some really weird setting on the camera or it was soooo cold outside that the camera was all fogged up when I took these pics. The frosty appearance sort of makes Alienor look like an angel, which she was on this, her baptism day. The strange thing that's just all blue, was the baptismal font. I have to admit I was so naive, that I had never thought of a 'portable-type' font - sort of like an 'above-the-ground pool' Was very wonderful for me to experience this very special baptism of my first grandchild!
Love, Grandma Cass
PS: I have heard from the p-nut gallery that my messages are like 'epistles', so, I am making an effort to keep them short!


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