Friday, May 12, 2006

Just thought I would add a few pics from our little excursion to Barnegat Light. This light house is located on the tip of Long Beach Island which is about an hour from our house. We climbed to the top of the light house and had a great few of the entire island. Good thing Mom has strong arms because I carried John all the way to the top. The original Ron Jon surf shop is located on Long Beach Island. The kids had a great time seeing the world's largest surf board and checking out all the surf gear. Long Beach Island would remind everyone a little of San Clemente. I was homesick I must admit. The smell of the beach is not something I have experienced in quite a while. I am really going to try this summer to get down to LBI with the kids so that they can enjoy the beach.
Jocelyn, the other day I was talking to your mom and I said something about going to the food store. I stopped myself after I said it and realized that I had crossed over to the dark side. For those of you who haven't had the priviledge of living in New Jersey and experiencing the different language here, only people who are truly New Jersey say food store instead of grocery store. Oh well, I am embracing all things New Jersey these days.


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