Monday, May 08, 2006

(and I'm not just talking about the rolls!)

So, as you can see, these sets of photos have nothing to do with each other. I just like to throw everything in there all at once. Drew is about 85 - 90% potty trained at the moment, and we were looking for that something to get him to reach 100%. We found some cute briefs at Target. Even though they may look a tad too big, they seem to fit him just right. We don't want them to be TOO tight!

On another subject. We were thinking of Tia Marie and Ninha decided to make some of her famous rolls. Since we don't have her coming over for Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore, we need to get our fix somehow. Don't they look delicious? You bet they were, and still are. If anyone wants to come over and have a few, they'll be warmed with butter and waiting!


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