Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The last couple of days Guillaume has really been working on his tooth. Alienor finally pushed it our for him today, like Patrice did with hers. Didn't hurt him at all. Unfortunately, braces will be in Guillaume's future, as his new tooth was already starting to come in behind the tooth that was falling out. We'll need to move to the US for that because I don't know if orthodontistry has come to Luxembourg yet!! (It's here, just don't trust it yet!)

Thanks for posting that picture Marion. Guillaume saw it and asked if that was Alienor and Margot - because it didn't really look like them! I had to explain. I'll have to show it to Alienor and Margot too.

I was walking behind a lady yesterday at the grocery store and she had on a jacket (a wrap) that I thought Gramma would have liked. It reminded me of what I think of as her smoking jacket. It was silky/satiny, orangish/redish, buttons up the front, (don't know how to describe it)and she used to wear it when she sat on the balcony to smoke at night. Just wondered where that ended up. Does anyone have it? Don't throw it away!

The weather was nice and I got out this afternoon and planted lots of flower bulbs. It's always a gamble because I never know what will survive. Luckily here it's much more humid so I don't worry about watering as much. Plus, I'm not good about marking what I plant where so I forget what's growing by the time something does grow! It's called eclectic gardening!

Anyway, hope you all are doing well and having a nice springtime.


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