Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It is hard to believe that so many of us are serving in Primary at the same time. Reverence is so hard. Our primary is smaller than yours Cindi, but we have enough children who shout out and cause a raucous to make up for the difference. We have a small stuffed animal (I think its a beeny baby) that we hide every week. We call it the reverence elephant. We ask if anyone has seen the reverence elephant and we only call on someone who is being quiet. We also start each primary with a reverence song to set the tone. In my last ward we assigned someone each week to be the reverence monitor. That person stood at the front of the room with their arms folded as a reminder to everyone that they need to be reverent. I always do a little game if no one is listening. I quietly say, "If you can hear me touch your ear" or "If you can hear me touch your mouth." The touching your mouth one usually works because they have to put their hand over their mouth to touch it. Our music leader does a clapping game to get the kids to listen. She claps and then snaps her fingers and the kids have to repeat what she does. She mixes it up. Its like the game simon. Clap, snap, clap, that kind of thing. All these things usually get the kids attention and brings the noise down to a dull roar that is tolerable. As a last resort tell them you are going to have their parents come to sit with them during Primary. I don't know too many kids who care to live through the embarrasment of having to sit with their parents when no one else is. Hope all this helps.

Have a great day everyone.


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