Monday, May 08, 2006

I just wanted to let you all know how primary went this week...

I was in charge of sharing time (all together little and big) and music time (always). We started out singing Head, sholders, knees and toes...actually in spanish it´s, Head, face, sholders, toes...anyway, we sang that normal, fast and slow. They enjoyed that (they weren´t tired but I sure was after that!). Then I started sharing time. Before anything I handed out a sticker (it was fast Sunday so I didn´t want to take candy)to the three kids that were being reverent and made a BIG deal about it, you know, " Here you go (gave them a sticker), thank you for being so reverent." They started calming down and they were quiet. Then I started asking questions and they were blurting things out so I only called on the kids that raised their hands. And when I called on them I gave them a sticker for raising their hands (and made a big deal about it again). Within 5 minutes I had them all quiet and everyone was raising their hand to participate! They had to tell me things we learned about at church and after I asked them songs we could sing that had to do with the answers they had given (that were written on the chalkboard). They all had songs they knew and wanted to sing. All in all it was a success! Thank goodness for STICKERS. I do have to admit that closing time was better, but NOT as reverent as sharing time...but I wasn´t in charge of it so oh well!!!
Well, thanks for all your good advice. I hope it works this well next week too!!! love you all.


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