Saturday, May 13, 2006

Hi Everyone - This is Grandma Cass, Grandma Tata and Aunt Cassy (whichever works for you) - This is my first effort at this blog thing, so you might have to bear with me a tad! Well, since Andy and Ninha left, I have found it difficult getting out to work in the yard, and as you can see by these pictures, it has been quite a while and the weed growth has begun to take over everything! It's been soooo bad, that I've had to keep my trash cans out in front, which is such a no-no in the neighborhood. I'm getting the reputation of being the 'white trash' and so, had to get out and start to get a handle on the weeds. All the while I was whacking and mowing, there was this loud 'buzzing sound' every so often. It really scared me at first, because it was quite a loud 'buzzing sound', and I am not too good with bumble bees, but then, I noticed this little hummingbird buzzzing around me. Finally, it stopped and I didn't think about it anymore. I got the tall weeds whacked and then, got the lawn mowed, and started trimming those large bushes on the right. They had really long shoots coming out and I would cut them off and lay them on the ground by the trash can. Then pick up each branch and snip it into pieces small enough to put in the trash can. As I was doing that, I actually heard this little squeaky chirp and looked down at the branch, and there in the branch was a little hummingbird nest with one tiny little bird clawing on for dear life. I screamed and my neighbor, Tina came running to see what all the commotion was about. We just stared in awe at the little creature and together, we said a little prayer to Heavenly Father that the little bird would be safe and that the mommy would come back and take care of it. I took the branch and placed it back up in the shrub, hoping that the mommy would see it there and come back to feed the baby. So, then, I kept on with my chore of snipping the branches to put in the trash can. I finally got down to the ground and looked down, and let out another scream. Again, Tina came running and found me with another little hummingbird down on the ground. I don't even know how I was able to see the little thing because of all the colors and grass stuff on the ground. I had on a pair of leather gloves and was able to get the little bird to clutch on my finger and put it back in the little nest with it's brother. Surprisingly though, this little bird didn't want to stay in the nest and he flew away, up into my apricot tree. By this time the mommy bird had come back and had fed the other little bird still in the nest. The mommy bird knew that there should be 2 babies in the nest, but there was only one, and so she flew all around looking for the other baby. The baby fell from the tree but was able to fly up and perch on my gate, and the mommy bird found him there and came right beside him to let him know that his mommy knew where he was. All this time, Tina and I had been watching the mommy bird trying to take care of her little babies. I couldn't see how the little bird was going to be able to fly back to the nest from the gate, or how the mommy could help him, so, I got him back on my finger, and put him up in his nest again. The mommy bird was sooooo happy to come back to her nest and find both her little babies there. Tina and I watched her feed them, and stay near them. It was a wonderful testimont to Heavenly Father's divine creation and the love that he gives to even the smallest of creatures here upon the Earth. Monday morning, I checked the nest but the little birds and the mommy had flown away, to start their lives somewhere elst. The one picture shows both of the little babies in the nest. Look carefully, you can see be the tiny black eyes. There is one at the back of the nest and the other is in the front, down by the branch. Ed dropped by today to visit and I took a picture of him holding the hummingbird nest, just so you could see how really tiny there are - they are such a miracle! I love you all and I wish a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of the great and wonderful Mother's in the Ginn Family!
Love, Grandma Cass, Grandma Tata, Aunt Cassy


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